- Physics
- Physics of Advanced Materials
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Magnetic Materials
- Superconductor
- Solar Energy & Photovoltaic Applications
- Nuclear Physics
- Laser physics and Applications
- Physical chemistry
- Sol-gel technology
- Thin film technology
- Medical Physics
- Astronomy and space
- Mathematical physics
- Physical Remote Sensing
- Material Science Engineering
- Surfaces, interfaces and colloids
- Polymers and amorphous materials
- Super alloys
- Ceramics and glasses
- Biomaterials
- Powder metallurgy
- Heat treatment
- Mechanical behavior of materials
- Science and technology composite materials
- Structural Materials and Characterization
- Computational materials science and engineering
- Functional Materials and Devices
- Advanced Structural Materials
- Multiscale Materials Modeling
- Bio inspired Materials and Systems
- Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
- Energy production and Storage Materials
- Green technology
- Sustainable Engineering and Renewable Energy
- Biomedical Robotics
- Systems Made of Smart Materials
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Nano science and Nanotechnology
- Multifunctional nanomaterial
- Layered and composite nanostructures
- Biotechnology
- Nanofabrication